Wednesday 14 October 2015

A Wish for Peace between India and Pakistan

For how many a time, the humanity has to suffer due to their acquiescence to the maniac whims of their leaders. The World War II was a power play of a madcap, Hitler, who exploited Germany to fructify his own personal agenda to grab power.
So is the partition of India, a very unfortunate event, which emanated deep rooted antagonism and it different heinous manifestations between the two great nations. Further worse is the justification of the partition as something a God work, therefore, sacred like some religious belief. Hate mongering is a business to some, don’t become its customer. You buy your destruction with your own money.
This all is going very unnatural and this is the reason that this debate recurs every now and then.
Let bygones be bygones, but I see a secured, peaceful, and a harmonious future of India and Pakistan in their confederation.
The sooner the two nations realize it, the better.
(Dr Irfan Shahzad)


  1. while i agree that there should be peace in the region, reducing the partition to an "un fortunate event" is un-fair. while it is true that the muslim league used Islam to further its power, the prosecution of muslims in subcontinenet was and remains to this day a harsh reality. the need for partition will become evident to you if you read a good history book and listen to news.

  2. i do listen. but differences does not mean to divide. this is a negative response, this attitude led us to further divisions of east ans west pakistan on the basis of cultural differences and now sectarian isolation.

  3. i would be against division if there exists a strong-balanced government which can protect the rights of its people. If the government cannot provide them security and just oppresses them, despite all these years it has had, I don`t see any better option. same goes for Bengal

  4. so, would you agree, that since our govt failed to provide protection to Christians, rather, govt machinery is involved in violation against them, so the Christians should separate and form their own state?
